I began working in a new specialty recently: rheumatology and infusion. Of all the other specialty areas that I have been in, this is truly the most unfamiliar. I feel like a sponge trying to soak up information at every turn but ultimately being too full of moisture to possibly absorb more by 3:00 pm…

Using Your Core Virtues as a Float Nurse was last modified: by

I woke up at 5:30 am to start a long, planned-out birthday adventure. My boyfriend and I left the house and drove fifteen minutes to South Mesa trailhead. Just before 7:00 am, we donned our gloves, slung our packs stuffed with chocolate-covered coffee beans and water onto our backs, and hit the trail. The route…

Overuse Injuries – What My Orthopedic Patients Taught Me was last modified: by

The finitude of the human body can make working in healthcare seem defeating. Bones demineralize; muscles weaken; neuron firing speed slows to a snail’s pace. When I focus on the inevitability of bodily decomposition, I begin to question the meaning of my daily work. Why do I spend my days assisting people in the pursuit…

Live in the Moment: A Nurse’s View of Life and Death was last modified: by

My frustrations with working in an outpatient setting revolve around two core issues: continuity of care and insurance. I don’t want you to walk away from this post without hope or think that outpatient healthcare is a catastrophic disaster. However, I do think it’s helpful to consider the problems that I see on a daily…

Frustrations with Outpatient Care – A Nurse’s Perspective was last modified: by
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