Nursing is autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages. Nurses take on a crucial role in healthcare and are often unsung heroes in healthcare facilities. Although nursing is an old and respected profession, misconceptions are attached. Films and television often portray nurses in a stereotypical fashion that is far from the truth. Here…

Nursing Myths: Crushing the 5 Biggest Misconceptions was last modified: by

If you are about to start working the night shift, you might have sleep concerns. Sleep is a legitimate concern. You might want to know how to get to sleep and stay healthy as a night shift worker. Here are some tips for prioritizing sleep as you work the night shift. Make Rest a Priority…

Night Shift Workers, Are You Prioritizing Sleep? was last modified: by

So you wish to enter physician assistant (PA) school? Understandable considering the demand for practitioners. The profession will expand by 28% by 2031 and ranks as the second-best job in healthcare. It is no surprise that PA programs are becoming very competitive. To become a PA, you must hold an undergraduate or master’s degree in…

PA School: Application Tips was last modified: by
Levels Where You Can Take Your Nursing Career

Nursing is wide-open with opportunities. The profession has numerous career paths depending on your degree and professional experience. It is entirely up to you how far you want to take your nursing career. Here is a glimpse of the levels of nursing to get you started. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) These professionals typically have a…

How Far Do You Want to go With Your Nursing Career? was last modified: by
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