In one of my earlier blogs (click here), I wrote about how certain virtues are critical for me as I perform my daily duties as a float pool nurse. I want to delve a little more into what my job looks like daily, weekly, monthly and talk about some of the pros and cons of…

Pros and Cons Working the Float Pool was last modified: by

It’s Never Too Late To Start Renee Hibma’s unique journey in nursing began in the early 1990s at the University of Tennessee. She started nursing school at the age of 37 with the end goal of continuing into Nurse Practitioner (NP) training. Her career started as a Med-Surgical Nurse. “I was just like everyone else….

Career Advice from a Nurse Practitioner was last modified: by

The past few nights at my apartment have been quiet. Julia, my roommate aka best friend, is also a nurse. She works on an inpatient, medical-surgical floor at a large local hospital. She is scheduled to work the night shift this week, which is why my past few evenings have been quieter. Julia and I…

Working the Night Shift was last modified: by

(Writer’s note: I conducted this interview last winter.  To listen to the podcast with my guest, please click here for Episode 2:  Transitioning into a non-clinical nursing career.)  As I walked into the library big puffy snowflakes coated my jacket. I was thankful that my guest could make the podcast despite the wintry conditions. My…

Advice for Alternative Nursing Careers was last modified: by

I began working in a new specialty recently: rheumatology and infusion. Of all the other specialty areas that I have been in, this is truly the most unfamiliar. I feel like a sponge trying to soak up information at every turn but ultimately being too full of moisture to possibly absorb more by 3:00 pm…

Using Your Core Virtues as a Float Nurse was last modified: by

I woke up at 5:30 am to start a long, planned-out birthday adventure. My boyfriend and I left the house and drove fifteen minutes to South Mesa trailhead. Just before 7:00 am, we donned our gloves, slung our packs stuffed with chocolate-covered coffee beans and water onto our backs, and hit the trail. The route…

Overuse Injuries – What My Orthopedic Patients Taught Me was last modified: by

The finitude of the human body can make working in healthcare seem defeating. Bones demineralize; muscles weaken; neuron firing speed slows to a snail’s pace. When I focus on the inevitability of bodily decomposition, I begin to question the meaning of my daily work. Why do I spend my days assisting people in the pursuit…

Live in the Moment: A Nurse’s View of Life and Death was last modified: by

My frustrations with working in an outpatient setting revolve around two core issues: continuity of care and insurance. I don’t want you to walk away from this post without hope or think that outpatient healthcare is a catastrophic disaster. However, I do think it’s helpful to consider the problems that I see on a daily…

Frustrations with Outpatient Care – A Nurse’s Perspective was last modified: by
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