3 Ways to Use Social Media to Find a Job in Nursing

Social media is revolutionizing job searching. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are making it easier than ever to find a nursing job. These sites are mainstream tools to help you manage your job search for your nursing career. Developing your social media presence can help you prove to a potential employer that you have what it takes for the job. Here are ways to use these social media tools to find your next nursing job.


No longer a mere networking site, LinkedIn is a social media tool at the top regarding job searching. LinkedIn is unquestionably the essential social media site for any job seeker. If you are not already using LinkedIn, it is time. LinkedIn is certainly more than just a networking tool. LinkedIn can help you research facilities that you have your eye on and can help you determine who the best contact person is. LinkedIn also highlights existing contacts who might serve as a bridge for a new nursing job.

Ensure consistency between your LinkedIn profile and your resume. Remember that hiring managers will use multiple platforms to make a hiring decision. Use invitations to “Link In” with everyone you know. Remember that many job opportunities are courtesy of second and third-degree connections. Ask nursing colleagues to post a recommendation to gain more attention.


Everybody is on Facebook, or it certainly seems that way. Keeping up with friends is great, but Facebook can also help you advance your career. Before searching with Facebook, you must clean your site of inappropriate photos or comments. Remember that employers are on Facebook looking for recruits.

Facebook can link you to potential nursing connections through their Groups feature. You can type in a keyword and view a selection of nursing-related pages. Also, healthcare providers use Facebook to promote openings, so do not overlook this potential source for employment opportunities.


It would help if you made Twitter part of your nursing job search. Although recruiters will bypass posts about non-career-related topics, they look for candidates with important things on their minds, such as nursing. Twitter has a real-time nature which makes job opportunities come and go at a rapid pace. To use Twitter effectively for a nursing job search, you must sign in often, comment on others’ posts, and display your professional knowledge. When seeking a nursing job, use your real name. Using your real name and a brief bio suited to the type of nursing position you desire will enable hiring managers to find you.

Social media is constantly changing, so keep up with the platforms’ evolution and keep exploring ways to enhance your use of the available tools. You can also let myRN Staffing Solutions connect your exceptional nursing talent with quality health organizations.

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